# GraphQL

Magento has an excellent GraphQL (opens new window) implementation which gives you more flexibility over the REST API (opens new window). Rapidez provides some handy renderless GraphQL Vue components to communicate with GraphQL.


See the usage within the Rapidez Repositories (opens new window)

# Query

<graphql> component example to get a list of available countries from Magento:

<graphql v-cloak query="{ countries { full_name_locale } }">
    <ul v-if="data" slot-scope="{ data }">
        <li v-for="country in data.countries">@{{ country.full_name_locale }}</li>                

# Props

Prop Type Default Explanation
query String Required GraphQL query
variables Object {} GraphQL variables
check String Run a check on the response data, for example: check="data.countries[0] == 'Country'"
redirect String Where to redirect if the check fails
cache String Cache key in localstorage. Caches only when provided and will be prefixed with graphql_. Will be flushed when the cache is cleared.
callback Function Called after the query


With large GraphQL queries you can extract the query to a separated file, for example: resources/views/queries/countries.graphql and include it with: query='@include('queries.countries')'

# Slot scopes

Prop Type Explanation
data Object The data returned from the GraphQL request

# Mutation

<graphql-mutation> component example with a newsletter subscription form:

<graphql-mutation v-cloak query="mutation visitor ($email: String!) { subscribeEmailToNewsletter(email: $email) { status } }" :alert="false" :clear="true">
    <div slot-scope="{ mutate, variables, mutated, error }">
        <strong v-if="mutated">
            @lang('Thank you for subscribing!')
        <div v-else>
            <form v-on:submit.prevent="mutate">
                <x-rapidez::input name="email" type="email" v-model="variables.email"/>
                <x-rapidez::button type="submit">
            <p v-if="error">
                @{{ error }}

# Props

Prop Type Default Explanation
query String Required The GraphQL query
variables Object {} Set the default variables :variables="{ email: '[email protected]' }", useful when having the mutation component within the <graphql> component
watch Boolean true Should the variables be watched?
redirect String The redirect url
alert Boolean true Show an alert when an error occurs
clear Boolean false Clear the values after the mutation
before-request Function(query, variables, options): [query, variables, options] Called before the request is sent in order to change, must return [query, variables, options] if used
callback Function Called after the mutation
mutate-event String Event name to listen to, used to trigger the mutate method
recaptcha Boolean false Sends the X-ReCaptcha header with the request

# Slot scopes

Slot scopes are useful when wanting to get or update values or functions within the components template.

Prop Type Explanation
variables Object GraphQL variables
mutate Function Run the GraphQL query
mutated Boolean True if the mutation has run
error String The error message if the GraphQL request failed