The Rapidez with Statamic integration! 🤝🚀
Version 4
This documentation is for rapidez/statamic
version 4
- Products, categories, and brands are integrated through Runway
- Automatic site registration based on Magento stores
- Routing: Statamic routes are the fallback
- Page builder fieldset with multiple components:
- Product slider
- Content
- Image
- Form
- Responsive images with Glide
- Breadcrumbs on pages
- Globals available in all views
- SEO meta title and description
- Automatic alternate hreflang link tags
- Sitemap for all sites, collections, and taxonomies
- Install Statamic
Just follow the Statamic installation guide
- Prepare the user model
Copy these two files from Laravel into your project:
- Install the Rapidez Statamic integration
composer require rapidez/statamic
- Finish the user model
Follow the storing users in a database guide
- Run the install command
php artisan rapidez-statamic:install
When running the install command, you will be prompted to setup the Eloquent driver. In this configuration, you can choose what to keep in the flat file system and what to migrate to the database. We recommend migrating the following options to the database when setting up the eloquent driver:
- Assets
- Collection Trees
- Entries
- Forms
- Form Submissions
- Globals
- Global Variables
- Navigation Trees
- Terms
- Tokens
The configuration file can be published with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rapidez\Statamic\RapidezStatamicServiceProvider" --tag=config
After that, you'll find all options within config/rapidez/statamic.php
Sites within Statamic will automatically be registered based on the Magento stores. So there is no need for a sites.yaml
. The current site will be determined based on the MAGE_RUN_CODE
, and the alternate hreflang link tags are grouped by the website_code
Sites cache
Make sure to flush the cache after editing stores in Magento!
Disable Statamic for a store
To disable Statamic for a specific store, just add the store_code
to the disabled_sites
within config/rapidez/statamic.php
The default Statamic routing will override the Rapidez routes. We don't want that, so you have to disable the default Statamic routing within config/statamic/routes.php
'enabled' => false,
The integration package will register the Statamic routes as fallback, so it tries the Magento routes first.
Seeing a Magento page instead of Statamic?
This can happen when a CMS page in Magento has the same slug as a page in Statamic, like the homepage. To show the Statamic page, simply disable the page in Magento.
Make sure there is an assets disk within config/filesystems.php
'disks' => [
'assets' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => public_path('assets'),
'url' => '/assets',
'visibility' => 'public',
Runway / Magento data
With Runway, you're able to display data from an Eloquent model within Statamic. We're using this to have all products, categories, and brands from Magento visible within Statamic, without the need of importing and syncing data. These Runway models can be used to link anything within Statamic to existing Magento data.
For example, the product slider component within the page builder has a relation with the products Runway model. This way, you can select from all Magento products you'd like to display within the slider.
You can also enrich data with this. For example, when you want to use Statamic to add data on product, category, or brand pages. Therefore, next to the "Runway product collection" (which is read-only and has all data from Magento), there is also a "Product content collection". From there, you're free to use anything from Statamic. Only the linked_product
field using the belongs_to
field type should be there to link your custom content to a product within Magento.
This is going to change in the next version!
We're currently working on rapidez/statamic v5 where we're moving to a "hybrid Runway" solution. Have a look at this pull request for more information.
Displaying content
If you are going to enrich product / category pages with content from Statamic, you'll find all data within the $content
To display the default page builder content, you have to add this to your view:
@includeWhen(isset($content), 'rapidez-statamic::page_builder', ['content' => $content?->content])
- Product:
- Category:
Disable $content
If you don't want $content
on the product / category pages, you can disable it from the rapidez/statamic.php
config file by setting the fetch
option to false
Brand pages
You'll get a brand collection out-of-the-box. You could just create entries, but those can also be imported from Magento. Double-check the brand_attribute_id
within config/rapidez/statamic.php
and run the import command:
php artisan rapidez:statamic:import:brands
I'm using the Amasty ShopBy Brand module
Good news! We'll detect that module and import all existing data into Statamic!
If you want to have actual brand pages on the frontend displaying all the products of that brand, you have to enable the route within content/collections/brands.yaml
route: '/brands/{slug}'
For a "brand overview" page with all brands listed alphabetically, you can just create a normal page and use the "Brand overview" component.
All Statamic globals will be available through the $globals
variable within your Rapidez Blade templates. If you have a global with the handle "header" and added a field called "logo", it will be available as $globals->header->logo
When you create a form, you can use rapidez-statamic::emails.form
as the HTML template, which uses the Laravel mail template with all fields in a table. Make sure you enable markdown!
This package hooks into the Rapidez Sitemap generation by adding Statamic-specific sitemaps to the store's sitemap index. For each store, we generate sitemaps for collections and taxonomies that have a route and content. The folder layout will look like:
With the default rapidez/sitemap config, the prefix default is statamic_sitemap_
and can be configured within config/rapidez/statamic.php
Static caching
Statamic comes with static caching and with this packages we're adding the middleware that handles that from Statamic to all Rapidez web routes. When you configure static caching with Statamic it will also be applied to all Rapidez routes!
Invalidation is handled by a command that checks the updated_at
column on products, categories and pages in Magento. Everything updated after the latest invalidation will be invalidated:
php artisan rapidez-statamic:invalidate-cache
We recommend to schedule this command in routes/console.php
to invalidate periodically. For more information, see Task Scheduling.
From 2.x to 3.x
Since 3.0.0, we have started using optionalDeep()
for the $globals
and $content
variables. Some code may need to be upgraded. Things you need to change:
The class will always be returned; you explicitly need to check if the value is set:
- @if($globals->cookie_notice->text)
+ @if($globals->cookie_notice->text->isset())
This also means that checks for specific values need to be updated:
- @if($globals->cookie_notice->text === 'foo')
+ @if($globals->cookie_notice->text->get() === 'foo')
However, anything that will attempt to cast the value to a string will get the value right away. No changes needed here:
{{ $globals->cookie_notice->text }}
{{ $globals->cookie_notice->text ?? 'fallback value' }}
{{ $globals->cookie_notice->text . ' string concatenation' }}
@foreach($content->blocks as $contentBlock)
{{ $contentBlock }}