# Packages

This works just like any Laravel package, read their documentation to get started (opens new window) and have a look at the existing packages to see how things are handled. You could use our Package Template (opens new window) as a starting point.

# Eventy Filters

Eventy (opens new window) is used to have Wordpress style filters which can be used within packages. Have a look at their docs (opens new window) to see how these filters can be used or at the AmastyLabelServiceProvider.php (opens new window) from the Rapidez Amasty Label (opens new window) package as an example.

Filter Explanation
*.scopes Add additional global scopes to every model available e.g. product.scopes or category.scopes
product.casts Add additional global product casts
product.children.select Manipulate the children select query
product.grouped.select Manipulate the grouped products select query
productpage.scopes Add product scopes only for the product page
productpage.frontend.attributes Add product attributes to the frontend
quote.items.select Manipulate the quote items select query
index.product.scopes Add product scopes to the product query when indexing
index.product.data Manipulate the product data before it's getting indexed
index.product.attributes Index additional product attributes
index.product.mapping Manipulate the index mapping
routes (deprecated) Register additional fallback routes (example (opens new window))

Every models extends the base model (opens new window) which uses the HasEventyGlobalScopeFilter trait (opens new window) so it's possible to add scopes to every model, for example the category model: category.scopes

# Vue Events

Rapidez emits some custom Vue events you can hook into with $on (opens new window). This is used for example within the Rapidez Mollie (opens new window) package, have a look at the mollie.js (opens new window) file.

Event Explanation
cart-refreshed After the cart is refreshed
checkout-credentials-saved After the checkout credentials are saved
checkout-payment-selected After the payment method has been selected
before-checkout-payment-saved Before the payment method is saved (setting checkout.preventOrder to true prevents saving and creating the order alltogether)
checkout-payment-saved After the payment method is saved
product-super-attribute-change After a swatch change, when calling this the product image updates based on the choice.
logged-in After the user has logged in.
logout After the user attempts to log out, listen to this to clear any sensitive information about the user.

There is also a doNotGoToTheNextStep variable on the root Vue instance which can be used to prevent the checkout from going to the next step. That's also used within the Rapidez Mollie (opens new window) package to prevent the checkout from going to the success page because you've to pay first and we'd like to redirect the user to the payment page.

# Fallback routing

If your package cannot define it's own predefined routes you will want to start using fallback routes to check if it matches a route in e.g. your database.

# addFallbackRoute

If you use the Route::fallback you'll prevent other packages from implementing fallback routes, this is what we've created Rapidez::addFallbackRoute() for.

You can pass controllers, functions etc. in the same way like you would with Route::fallback however it will check each fallback route until it finds one that does not return void or 404.

You can use this function anywhere so long as it's before the fallback route is triggered, we suggest in your ServiceProvider or Routes file. (example (opens new window))

The first argument to this function will be your Callable or action, the second argument will be the position or priority it has. lower means higher priority. But it is optional.


If your check to see if it matches has a high performance impact, consider putting the position higher than 9999. And caching the results.

The following are all valid.

use Rapidez\Core\Facades\Rapidez;

Rapidez::addFallbackRoute([UrlRewriteController::class, 'index'], 5);
Rapidez::addFallbackRoute(function (Request $request) {return redirect('/');}, 5);

# Hooking into commands

You can hook into commands by using the events that Rapidez fires. For example, if you want to fire a command that runs before the indexer, you can put the following into your AppServiceProvider.php:

Event::listen(IndexBeforeEvent::class, fn($event) => $event->context->call('rapidez:index:categories'));

Have a look at all of the currently available events in Rapidez (opens new window).

# Extending Models

All Rapidez models extend Rapidez' Model (opens new window)

This means it implements Macroable (opens new window) making it possible to add your own functions without overwriting the Model itself!

# Adding a single function

Say you want to add a single function to the Product model, then you can add the following in your ServiceProvider boot method:

Product::macro('myTestFunction', function () {
  return 'completed!';

# Adding a multiple functions

If you want to add multiple functions this might get cluttered, which is where you can use mixins:


and any functions defined in this ProductMixin class will be available in the Product model

# Adding Relationships

Your package might add a new model that should be accessible from a Rapidez model.

By adding the following to your ServiceProvider boot method the Product model has a testRelation relationship added to it:

    fn (Product $product) => $product->hasMany(MyTestModel::class, 'product_id');